Talent Pro Recruitement

About Us

In Talent Pro, we always believe that recruiting the best employee is one of the most crucial elements of any successful business. Nonetheless, finding the right individual for the job is undeniably challenging and time-consuming. This is where we, as a professional recruitment consultancy firm, step in and provide the solution to our clients. Do you know what is the secret to our success? It's very simple - our recruitment consultants share our clients’ objectives and we leverage our resources to achieve these goals. By utilizing our in-depth experience and extensive networking, we aim to give our clients a clear insight into the recruitment markets of Hong Kong.

On top of that, our success is not only measured on a single placement, but more importantly, on a candidate’s subsequent success in the new role and the repeated business we have achieved with all our clients.

We also understand how important people’s careers are. Finding the right next step in one’s career can be a full time job which is why it is more important than ever to find the right recruiter to work with. To all jobseekers, Talent Pro will become your partner in helping you reach your career goals & will be there for you every step of the way.


  • Maximum utilization of human resources.
  • Simplifies recruitment process --> efficiency


  • To help companies hire the right people, in the right place, at the right time.



This is one of the most fundamental values. Integrity is the hallmark of a person who demonstrates sound moral and ethical principles at work. It is the foundation on which colleagues build all kinds of relationships and trust. Hence, trustworthiness is extremely important in the recruitment industry because we handle tremendous personal information of many parties.



Accountability at work is important to a business’s success as a whole. Every employee, no matter what level of seniority is equally responsible for aiding in the success of the company. In order to achieve the goals of the company, long and short term, it is important that all people within the company work together and share accountability. Employees who work together towards the same overall goal help their workplace to become more accountable, in turn make the business more productive and efficient.



Our work is an obligation. Talent Pro believes being serious about what you are doing is very important. We must be liable to different parties, such as clients, candidates and co-workers. In order to achieve the goals of the company, long and short term, it is important that all people within the company work together and share accountability. Employees who work together towards the same overall goal help their workplace to become more accountable, in turn make the business more productive and efficient.



Empowerment is the process of enabling or authorizing an individual to think, behave, take action, and control work and decision-making about their job in autonomous, independent, self-directed ways. It is the state of feeling self-empowered to take control of your own destiny.



It is the way of developing personal relationships. Opportunities are all around, but not everyone can grab them. Networking helps to put forward everything in a business. We can learn from each other and achieve success together. “Spending time on building a relationship could deliver results in the future.”


hink Out Of The Box

Using creativity to enhance performance of a process, person, team or organization. In order to improve everyday, let go of the “way things are” and welcome “the way they could be.” Consultants have very different way of working style, they use different communication styles with candidates; therefore, thinking out of the box and build their own working style are very important to their success.



“I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions.” by Dr. Stephen R. Covey. Be Proactive is about taking responsibility for your life. They know they choose their behavior. Reactive people, on the other hand, are often affected by their physical environment. As consultants face many challenges at work, they have to be proactive in order to change themselves rather than reacting to things that happen. It is essential to evaluate and improve every day.



Be fair to everyone in the company. No matter what rank one is in, he/she has the same rights, admiration and worthiness. “Treat others as they wish to be treated.” There are many ways to demonstrate respect at work, such as the followings,

  • Treat people with courtesy, politeness, and kindness.
  • Encourage coworkers to express opinions and ideas.
  • Listen to what others have to say before expressing your viewpoint. Never speak over, butt in, or cut off another person.
  • Use peoples' ideas to change or improve work. Let employees know that you used their idea, or, better yet, encourage the person with the idea to implement the idea.
  • Never insult people, use name calling, disparage or put down people or their ideas.
  • Do not nit-pick, constantly criticize over little things, belittle, judge, demean or patronize. A series of seemingly trivial actions added up over time, constitutes bullying.
  • Treat people the same no matter their race, religion, gender, size, age, or country of origin. Implement policies and procedures consistently, so people feel that they are treated fairly and equally. Treating people differently can constitute harassment or a hostile work environment.
  • Include all coworkers in meetings, discussions, training, and events. While not every person can participate in every activity, do not marginalize, exclude or leave any one person out. Provide an equal opportunity for employees to participate in committees, task forces, or continuous improvement teams. Solicit volunteers and try to involve every volunteer



To suggestions and ideas. It means colleagues have a willingness to listen to other opinions and consider the possibility that one might be wrong or may change own perspective. This is an important value in the workplace. Open-mindedness is critical to job success.

The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle.

Steve Jobs

It is no use saying, "We are doing our best." You have got to succeed in doing what is necessary.

Winston Churchill

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Find your career with Talent Pro by learning more about what we do. Contact us to explore job opportunities.